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Julien Dufresne

Artist, Modder, Virtual Photographer...

Hey there!

I'm Julien, a dude who lives in South of France.


Video games always been a passion of mine. I started exploring my favorites medias and my own content by drawing and participating in fandom communities, creating characters and stories that were mine.


After a more-or-less classic education, I joined a "game school" to learn about game design, game art (2D and 3D), as well as everything surrounding it (Sound design, HUD/UI, Tech Art...) 

I met with amazing people from the industry who shared tips and wisdom on a lot of subjects!


However, I became really productive around December 2020, when the game Cyberpunk 2077 from CD Projekt Red released. I discovered the world of Virtual Photography, Modding and it got me out of a long art block!

The game and its characters keeps on being a huge inspiration for me.


Oh, I also LOVE raccoons!



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